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Eneas Mackay and a Succession of Clubs

A few times a week I type "Antique Playing Card" into eBay and see what comes up. In this week's random spill of card spoils appeared a late 19th century playing card seemingly commemorating the bookseller and publisher named Eneas Mackay, who was from Stirling, England back when England was a country and not an epitaph.

Peculiar to the card are the boar's head, the meerkat (I made that up on the spot even though I may possibly be correct) and the Crown. The filigree betwixt they three is the random dander of symbolism. I don't know crests but I do have a certain degree of the layman's grasp upon pips and the succession of Clubs on the three available cards from this pack by multiple sellers runs as such: 5♣️, 10♣️ and Q♣️. Doubling itself once and then skipping one Face Card to arrive at the Queen. In normal parlance this is a wild leap of faith even so far as mysticism is concerned. In the Bob vernacular, a Gin Rummyesque aesthetic and an offhand Gematrian manner which I have zero faith in, this make absolute sense.

While we shall not discuss the Queen - she always presents in the darkness as a Spade to me - the previously mentioned Four and Five of Clubs, the latter being halved and thus 4 1/2, leads tangentially to the full 5♣️ available on eBay at the exorbitant price of nearly $15. One cannot abide by such stark terms unless he first sells a book listed at $234.56 as I have recently priced and listed one at. However, the Scrooge in me doesn't quite consent especially when the Ten and Queen both can be had at that price, though shipped from The Netherlands I'd likely lose interest in it before its arrival. But for the moment this is where we are head-space wise. 

I'd like to blame this card avarice and cupidity on a woman (and I have a fair case!) or a midlife crisis but I reached that stage at the age of 5 while donning a pair of homemade plaid pants and watching with disgust as a local drug addict ruminated on the possibility of my childhood home breathing. 

Yes, this post answers the previous one and relays next-to-nothing about playing cards. Bravo!


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