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Silhouetted Woman in a Red Heart and a Man in a Silver Diamond Seven of Hearts Playing Card

I bought this card for the creep factor as it looks like some kind of Hitchcock movie advertisement for a dark love affair, with his tie resembling a waving flame that will burn them both to a crisp if the line between Hearts and Diamonds is traversed when breaking their bubble of separation. 

As for the cartomancy meaning: "Traditionally the Seven of Hearts denotes a lover's quarrel. It is also a card of credulity and faith symbolized by the linked hands of children. The quarrel may be no more than a tiff which can clear the air for a better understanding between the participants. However, where the Seven of Hearts appears, it is wise to warn the Querent of a situation in which he should guard his temper lest words spoken in anger should form a permanent rift between himself and someone whom he loves. 

"The phrase 'Lover's quarrel' should not be taken too literally. The card may indicate a disagreement between any two people who are devoted to each other such as husband and wife, mother and daughter, or intimate friends. Where passions are unleashed the quarrel may become serious. The presence of the Nine of Hearts or Ten of Spades or the Ten of Clubs close to the Seven of Hearts is a danger warning, signalling the Querent to guard his tongue. 

"Where the Seven of Hearts appears in the middle of the spread, the indication is that the Querent is too trustful, too content to let matters run their own course. Thoughtlessness or indolence may cause the loss of cherished friendships or happiness. He should take steps to reaffirm his love or affection for those whose warm regard is important to him. He should not take friendships, family intimacies and continued love for granted. 

"When the Seven of Hearts appears in either left wing of the spread, the indication is that another person has need of the Querent's strength and cherishing. If the card is in the lower left wing, the person dependent upon the Querent may be shy, inarticulate or so in awe of the Querent that he or she is incapable of making his needs known. Because of this, such a person may cloak his affection with sharp words or criticism. The Querent should be advised to deal gently with the situation so that no discord of a permanent nature arises. 

"If the Seven of Hearts appears in the right-hand side of the spread, the situation is reversed. The Querent may have a deep affection for or a dependency upon another individual, which he attempts to conceal or to which he gives inadequate thought. In this case the Querent should be warned against carping criticism, nagging or other undesirable means of attracting the attention of the love object. Instead, he should take constructive measures to strengthen the relationship. Honest appreciation and frankness of purpose will serve the Querent better than more devious means of securing the rapport which he desires."


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