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2001 Gemaco Jokers and the Black-Eyed Servant of Doom Face Cards

The 21st anniversary of Andrea and Chris's wedding is coming up in September and I would congratulate them on such a milestone except for the fact that I found these cards at a thrift store which likely portends to a failure in the betrothal. Or not. I could be looking too far into the matter.

What can't be disputed is that this is the 2001 version of the Gemaco Ace of Spades:

Nor can it be denied that the dead eyes of the creepy Face Cards in this set are straight out of a B-movie horror flick. The Jack of Diamonds looks especially unhinged in a school shooter sort of way while the Queen of Spades gives off the Stepford Wives vibe. The King of Diamonds is a more tedious diagnosis. He could be the aforementioned Chris of 2022 (or hell, even the Andrea of this year of our Lawd for that matter) or just your average middle-aged sot thinking about beach bunnies and convertibles while sitting at his windowless cubicle dreaming of Kinghood. 


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