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Signs vs. Warnings in Cartomancy

"I am not well civilized, really alien here: trust me not." sayeth the poet and I reiterate such a rejoinder with every thing that I utter. Listen, I'm the least superstitious person and often tempt fate by saying, "I hope lightning strikes me" or "I'd sell the soul of my only beloved child to the Devil for..." and laugh it off. But there's a huge difference between a so-called sign and a warning. When lightning strikes it's not a sign. It's a warning that you are being dangerously stupid in tempting Fate. On the other hand when you wear long socks every day for years and then suddenly, on impulse, wear short ones and you get a large raise at work, that's a sign. Maybe not the exact one that you think but it's definitely a sign.

I've probably put in a hundred hours cleaning up Ganong Cemetery, supposedly the most haunted place in Michigan (haha), and saw nary an orb. It's the living whom carry ghosts and terrorize each other. So when about 10 things happened there last summer (and I won't even mention persons) from me contracting extreme poison ivy/oak to finding a poppet to finding unearthed casket parts and a bone, not to mention a dead dog there and a trail of sullied Tarot cards after several strange encounters with various curs, I decided to never go back. Those are clear signs.

Another SIGN that appeared to me last year was the random presence of playing cards found on various walks about town. Mind you, I don't think that I've ever found one since or beforehand, though I'm sure that I did somewhere along the line. The point being, last year I found an inordinate amount of playing cards. The strangest being a Nine of Diamonds that I found at work. Since I have unofficial access to work cameras I deigned to discover where the hell the card came from because I suspected that it had been purposely placed there where I'd find it. Since it was an HD camera I went back from the time I found it to when it first appeared. A car had pulled up to pick somebody up and I carefully watched the footage and nobody appeared to drop anything as it was located in a spot where it would have been underneath the rather large car. Now, I'm not suggesting that there was some bizarre portal on the spot beneath the vehicle but the card was not there and then when the car drove off it was. Crazy, right?

Anyway, this happened to me all last year until I finally started looking into cartomancy, which I do not believe in at all, and frankly could care less about cards themselves before this happened. I even started doing readings because the signs were so strong. I have no clue what it means except that I am susceptible to intense signage from the universe. Well, I suppose that isn't entirely true but the essence of the matter is arbitrary except to me and maybe another person or two.


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